Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sydney Night Noodle Markets and The Blue Mountains in Photos

Our four and five year old boys use chopsticks pretty proficiently and are pros at the yum cha (dim sum) scene, needless to say, we are basically Asian food fanatics.

Going to the Night Noodle Markets in Hyde Park, part of the annual Sydney International Food Festival was high on our list of priorities for this week, and I'm proud to say, mission accomplished!

Dumplings, noodles, and various other delicious edibles were aplenty. We sampled our usual dim sum favorites and closed the night out at the Serendipity Ice Cream stall. It was all good.

The Night Noodle Markets in Sydney's Hyde Park 2009.

My boys with some of their usual yum cha favorites.

Serendipity Ice Cream at the Sydney Noodle Night Markets 2009. The four year old had chocolate, I had Chili Passionfruit sorbet.

This was the walk back to the car-- right after my four year old nailed my husband in the balls. If you look closely you can see his hand strategically placed in the post-balls-injury-position.

If you're still reading after all that testicle drama, here are some outtakes from our weekend in the Blue Mountains with our friends, including My Favorite Australian.

DSC_0189 by you.
We locked the kids in there and went for lunch. Just kidding people.

DSC_0218 by you.
Love on the ZigZag Railway.

DSC_0292 by you.
Anytime is the right time for bubbles yo.

DSC_0307 by you.
A ginormous green-eyed fly sitting on my leg, not fun.

DSC_0030 by you.
We went on the Cableway at Scenic World, where you can get your jollies standing on a glass-bottom floor while crossing the valley.

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The Three Sisters as seen from the Cableway.

I used to marvel at how we could live in such a beautiful city and have these gorgeous mountains only ninety minutes away. But after the spew-fest clinic my carsick five year old put on during our return car ride home, I realize now-- it's about seventy five minutes further than we're comfortable with.

The good news is, we totally avoided the Blue Mountains Nazi Shrine, cause that's was a real buzz kill on our last trip there.

A new calendar of annual events in Sydney should be up on my sidebar soon-- if you have blog posts about past festivals or events in Sydney that you've written about and/or photographed and want me to link to please let me know. Cheers y'all.



Kerry said...

I love how your boys are such little foodies! And I'm glad you're adding an events calendar to your side bar. What's your source for always know about so many events, is it mostly just from checking the paper or what?

V said...

Awesome have a fantastic eye! I had a such a nice time in the Blue Mountains last time I went. They have some great little cabins up there!

Stereos and Souffles said...

Noodle Market sounds delish! Poor hubby, maybe he should be carrying the water bottles in the front :-)

Laura said...

Kerry- Thanks, I love my little foodies, I think it's sooo cute. I just check everywhere for events and hear about things from friends. But I'm making a calendar (along with some other guides too) so everyone can be "in the know".

V- Thanks! We loved the house we stayed at-- looking forward to doing it again! Or maybe Hunter Valley next time?

Stereos and Souffles- I almost spit coffee out my nose when I read your comment-- he totally should have been using those bottles as protection!!! he's going to crack up when I tell him that.

Marvin said...

What a fantastic photographer you are! I am very impressed. What equipment are you using? That macro shot of the fly is truly impressive.

I didn't know you had TARDISes there. Convenient lockup for the kiddies, yes.

Jill Stevens, Licensed Acupuncturist, Chinese Herbalist said...

i love the photos so much!!! especially the ice cream one, i want ice cream so bad. but the blue mountains look so beautiful. nice work laura.

Jan said...

The Night Noodle Market night looks terrific...yummo!

Paul Steckler said...

I was at the Asian Food thing at Hyde Park, too. I had Singapore noodles, yum, topped off by a double-scoop ice cream cone.

And I went for Yum Cha at East Ocean on Sussex St the Sunday before.

Gonna work all that off at the 7 Bridges Walk on Sunday!

Laura said...

Marvin- I use a Nikon D80 with a 18-200mm lens-- I love it, and really it's all about that lens, it goes anywhere.

Jill- Thanks, and did you see the part about Big Daddy's balls?? you must have missed it?

Jan- Yes, total yum!

Steck- I was so disappointed I wasn't selected to have breakfast on the bridge that day that I'm going to boycott the seven bridge walk-- just kidding, I'm just in lazy mode.

K 'n B said...

I love your blog, and I'm very jealous of your Night Noodle Market experience! My husband and I thought we'd stop by and grab something before we went to a show - the insane queues did not work out with our time-frame, but it looked awesome. Next year...

So given your request for information about events, have you seen this blog?:
I just discovered it and like it a lot.

Also, I just wrote up something about the Korean Festival in Eastwood - tiny festival, but good times!

Unknown said...

Looks like a total BLAST.. can I totally invite myself over to stay with you? : ) (I know I am a weirdo..)
& your PICTURES!... amazing!

Laura said...

Kerry and Ben- yes I've seen that site, and when I put the calendar up (this week hopefully?) I will definitely link to your Korean festival post-- that sounds very cool.

American in Norway- You can totally stay with me-- I would love it.

A Free Man said...

Beautiful photos, Florida Girl. I love the one on the train. Little boys and little girls. I've been hassling Zach about his girlfriends lately. He seems to have a whole stable of them. Good on him.

Captain Dumbass said...

Somebody beat me to the water bottles in the front pocket joke. Damn. Mmm... noodles. It's been at least a month since we've been out for dim sum, but my wife is out right now to bring home some Thai food so it's all good.

Beautiful pics.

Carolyn Ford said...

All of these are so good! Great eye for catching the best moments! Awesome and fun to visit!

Jim said...

Thanks for sharing these shots. I didn't get a chance to go this year. I wanted to photograph them for my blog. Hopefully they'll be back next year.

Laura said...

FreeMan- Thanks man.

Capt Dumbass- I just ate some Thai food myself-- see we're Asian food addicts.

Carolyn Ford- Thanks!

J Bar- Thanks, I believe it's every year so maybe next year!!

Kristie said...

You take such awesome photos! Chili passionfruit ice cream? Sounds heavenly.

Anonymous said...

I want a noodle market!!!!!! Waaahh!! Looks awesome :)

Laura said...

Kristie- The ice cream was good, but it was a little too spicy for me (and I like spicy)-- I think it needed a swirl of vanilla to make it less poignant!

JCPK- Well you could come visit...

Mr Spooky said...

I love your blog! I travelled via "The Who Wished She Were Australian".

You are so funny!

I read about your trip to the Blue Mountains..... What can I say?!?! I lived there 4.5 years and that was loooong enough!!!

The surrounds are gorgeous, but those who live there ugh.....

Anyway, thank you for the laugh! :o)

Laura said...

Hi Alex,
Thanks for the note! I did love the Blue Mountains for a weekend-- but that Nazi thing totally freaked me out! Oh, and they have the best toy store there too! Cheers!

Corrie said...

oh what a cute and funny blog you have! I'm laughing hysterically as my poor hubby is always getting hit in his man parts by one of the kids!!! always makes me giggle but not so happy for him!
