But this past week the artist within me and I learned to decorate cupcakes. My journey began with Cupcake Basics 1, in which I made these...

Hell yes that's the Very Hungry Caterpillar sista.
Two days later I went back for Cupcake Basics 2, and I made these...

Oh yeah baby, that sure is a hand-moulded fondant castle.
I'm still not sure how you eat something like this-- or if you'd even want to, but I can say this, they look gorgeous and after two days of cupcake making mania I feel competent enough to make them at home without supervision.
Needless to say I'm totally looking forward to my next class, though totally not looking forward to my husband's face when he eventually finds the massive box of cupcake making supplies I'll be hiding in the kitchen cabinets.
You find fun things to do in Sydney! I am moving for law school in March and I love your blog! I eat up any information about anything that isn't in the boring ol' guidebooks and websites! Yay! I also apparently really like exclamation marks!!
CVD- Thanks girlfriend, good luck on your move here-- keep me posted on your impending arrival! Cheers! (I like exclamation point a whole lot too!!!)
You've really outdone yourself with that Cupcake Basics 2. Those are so awesome!
I am so proud of you! Those little cupcakes are artworks baby. :D
Sweet! Can't wait until we take the next class! Holidays here I come.
Jenny- Thanks, I totally agree haha.
Natalie- Thank you thank you!
Ana- Cannot wait, I'm loving it!
They are like little works of art!
OMG...so cute! I am totally impressed! More exclamation points!
How fun! Great work!
They are beautiful! (I'll be more than happy to show you how to eat them.)
I'm running over to check out the Cupcake Fairy.
You might also be interested in the book "Hello, Cupcake":
I'm impressed. Thinking about going into the kiddie birthday cake/cupcake business when you move back????
Wait - you are taking cupcake classes? Does your mum know about this? Is that normal? popular? I so don't get it. Fill me in.
So cute! Very nice work, Laura! The one I liked the most was the ghost one... perfect for this Halloween season!
I love those cupcakes! Espicially the one with the hand molded castle. Awesome job!
Stereos and Souffles- Thanks!
V- Wouldn't you call there couture cupcakes??
Marvin- Thanks!
JD- I have a book called The Cupcake Doctor, but it was probably unrealistic for me to have made anything in this book before taking the classes, haha. I'll have to look up Hello Cupcake on Amazon!
Southbeach mom- Of course I thought of you and those gorgeous cakes you always get during my class-- but as for a business, you never know I guess??
Luna- Omigod, I had no idea my mom might have an issue with it??? I don't think it's something everyone takes, but since I like to bake I figured I should learn how to make the top of a cupcake look pretty-- instead of disgusting as I usually do! haha.
Rosangela- Thank you! xoxo
Kristie- I think the castle is my fave too, though I like the spiders, well and the others... let's just say I'm pretty impressed with myself :).
Brilliant work there. I laughed when you explained what textas are. We forget sometimes that we have our own slanguage in Australia. Ta (Australian for thanks). :)
Sydney - City and Suburbs
JBar- It took me over a year to realize why people kept saying "ta" to me! So funny!
That is funny. I have a cousin who grew up in Canada and moved here in her teens so I'm familiar with a lot of the differences and am conscious to what needs to be explained to visitors and newcomers.
Look forward to seeing your 'Sculpture by the Sea' photos and I do want to check those sculptures out too. I'm following your blog now and have it listed on my blog with other Aussie blogs.
Me, too. Saw your comment over at Jim's place and came over here to check you out. I saw the Sculptures on the news last night and am dying to see how bloggers assess them. I suspect you might be first-cab-off-rank!
Love your cup-cakes: more icing than cake!
WOW! Those are so awesome!!
They are awesome! You have some serious cupcake skillz!
Awesome cupcakes! So perty! I never use fondent because it tastes nasty, but I love the way it looks.
Fabulous cupcakes! I could have done with those photos for inspiration for the monthly cake bake at my kids school last week.Well done! Did they taste as good as they look??
Those cupcakes are AMAZING!
I am sooo jealous! I wanna make those cupcakes... I need some serious fondant.. & classes...
A W E S O M E!
I am sooo jealous! I wanna make those cupcakes... I need some serious fondant.. & classes...
A W E S O M E!
OMG - those are amazing! I've never seen fondant icing on cupcakes before. I was just starting to feel cocky for decorating my cupcakes by piping frosting on. You just put me right back into my place. :)
Nice work, FGIS! We do a lot of painting and coloring outside - one of the beauties of our climate!
JBar- Thanks, and I'm adding your awesome blog to my Aussie list!
Julie- First cab off rank?? omigosh, I soo learn something new everyday, love it!
Mindy- Thanks girlfriend! xoxo
Darnonymous- Thanks! :)
Stef- Totally, not delicious-- BUT if you add a nice size amount of buttercream under that fondant-- much more tasty-- you can peel the fondant off.
Kate- They did not taste as good as they look-- totally leads me to want to start a cupcake co. that makes pretty AND delicious cupcakes. AND I want to find color for the fondant that is all natural. Good luck me.
Capt Dumbass- Thanks!
American in Norway- You couldn't be that impressed with these cupcakes-- not after that spectacular pumpkin cake you made!!! AWESOME!
Marketing Mama- It's all about buttercream really! I learned how to pipe it in this class too, it just tastes sooo much better!
FreeMan- Can I send my kids to your house to paint? I am a artistically neglectful parent...
Those are gorgeous!
Gypsy- Thanks girlfriend.
Okay, that castle cupcake is so goddamn cute it makes me want to hit things.
OMG how could you eat those pieces of art! Totally gorgeous.
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