Sunday, September 20, 2009

Festival of the Winds

Every year Festival of the Winds, a kite flying event, is held at Bondi Beach.

Ironically for a country with such drought issues, Festival of the Winds was rained out in 2007 and 2008. This year, our third attempt, it was finally a go... and hell yes sista, we went-- and we kited gosh darnit.

And it was awesome.

This is what it looked like:

Festival of the Winds by you.

Festival of the Winds by you.

Festival of the Winds by you.

Festival of the Winds by you.

Festival of the Winds by you.

Festival of the Winds by you.

Festival of the Winds by you.

Festival of the Winds- Our Kitty Kite by you.
Our kitty kite.

Festival of the Winds by you.
Our friend Dana taking it all in.

Festival of the Winds by you.
Kite Man?



People in the Sun said...

But... Couldn't you photoshop some pants on this guy?

ChiTown Girl said...

awesome pics! looks like a great time!

Chantelle {fat mum slim} said...

I was going to go there, but Lacey slept in the middle of it and my sister came over, so we missed out!

It seemed like so much fun. x

JD at I Do Things said...

Have I ever told you what a great photographer you are? That photo of the guy in the Puma swimsuit -- unfortunate, but great composition, the way he stands out so clearly (again, unfortunate) and the background is more blurry. And especially the kites! Beautiful!

Dana said...

Hey! I just posted about festival of the winds and how amazing it was...Get out of my head! As usual, those are some great pictures.

nursemyra said...

a friend of mine invited me to go but I couldn't make it. I wonder how often our paths almost cross? sydney is such a small city

A Free Man said...

Dude in the Speedo is not awesome. But the rest of it, definitely.

Laura said...

PITS- If only I had photoshop-- which I totally want to buy, but have no idea what to do with-- I need to buy it and take a class-- once I do that I will photoshop pants onto people who need them.

Chitown- Thanks!

Chantelle- It was fantastic.

JD- Thanks so much! I am considering starting a photography business, I bought some urls for it but haven't built the site yet-- we shall see.

Dana- Thanks, I am going to add a link from your name to your post on it.

Nursemyra- Maybe we could actually purposely meet up???

Freeman- I love the Puma on his ass, classic. Dude, when are you coming here??

Kristi said...

Oh, I am so jealous freezing my ass off in Melbourne!

Laura said...

Kristi- It's freezing in Melbourne?? I had no idea!

Rassles said...

Those are some gorgeous photos, man. Seriously. How blue is it there? I'm in awe.

Laura said...

Rassles- It is seriously gorgeous here, it's nuts. If you are forced to live overseas for a few years, definitely put Australia on the short list.

Brutalism said...

You really are a great photographer -- beautiful pics (even the tatted, speed-oed guy).
Looks like a very cool event.

Anonymous said...

Festival of the Winds sounds like more like what you hold after a Chili Cook-off! lol

Kristie said...

Cool pics, well except for Tattoo man in the speedo. Yikes!

Laura said...

Brutalism- Thanks!

Felicia- Hahahahaha, you are too funny, I love it!

Kristie- Thanks and totally agree.

Christine said...

That looks like so much fun! I love kites!

nursemyra said...

Yeah we should meet up for coffee one day. Maybe in Paddington?

Anonymous said...

Is there a new contender for the title of Mr. Fluffy Pants? Love the pics You have a true talent Thanks for bringing the beauty of Australia into full view Love and miss you

Laura said...

Christine- I love kites now too!

Nursemyra- That sounds great, the best time for me is anytime my kids are in school, but that was probably an obvious...

Anonymous- (ninabellina??) Thanks mama, I think that's you-- who else would say fluffypants?

Marvin said...

How lucky you are, to be able to fly kites! We can't do that here, with all the lightning.

nursemyra said...

hey FG, write to me at

Marvin said...

I will never listen to Journey the same way again. ;-)))

Anonymous said...

That dude with the Puma budgie smugglers and the tatts is SO Oztraylyan it's hilarious. What an arse!

Laura said...

Marvin- It's pretty incredible, there seems to rarely be lightning here-- though when I lived in Orlando, FL, it was insane-- I think it was like the lightning capital of the world?

Nursemyra- I am emailing you in a few minutes---

Permanently 23- Oztraylyan? I love that so much, did you invent it? Can I use it freely or have you already trademarked it???

Angela said...

Wow these pictures are beautiful! The colours are excellent and you really captured something so Sydney about them! They almost make me miss it :)

Jim said...

These shots are brilliant.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Laura said...

Angela- Almost? That hardly sounds convincing... haha.

J Bar- Thanks.

Angela said...

Hey, that's pretty good for someone who hated Sydney with a passion when she left! hehe :)

Gypsy said...

Look at that blue, blue sky!

Laura said...

Gyspy- The sky here pretty much has FL beat, only thing is I think there's like no ozone here-- you feel the sun pierce your skin, it's insane.