When it's time to go to IKEA we get a babysitter, because IKEA without small children is just so so much better-- it's like a big day out for us-- Date Day.
Last time we hauled ourselves out to IKEA, we picked up a new Swedish friend named Dave. One thing led to anothr and we decided to take him home with us; he could stay in the family room-- which he did, for about a month. Then one night, I brought him upstairs. He was only supposed to be coming up for a few minutes, but from that night on he basically moved into our bedroom.
After about a month, when I realized how much Dave meant to me and how much I loved having him in our bedroom I began telling my husband that he should totally get in on the Dave action. He was all-- yeah, yeah, at some point I will. And then that day came, and he did it for a few nights, but I think it's safe to say, he's just is not as into Dave as I am.

Dave, I love you... and if loving you is wrong, I don't wanna be right.
Note: Dave is the table in the photo, not the man. (I don't actually know that man).
I absolutely LOVE my Dave. You are right Dave is the best!
I hate Ikea soooo much. I know, I know all the good things about the place - but it is just so big, and I feel like cattle when I'm in there.
Mindy- totally!
Freeman- I'm with you on that. But it is a good place for stuff like this.
Glad you and Dave are so happy together! My favourite things from Ikea are the plastic cups, plates, etc for the kids. They are fantastic and the colours are bright and fun.
Suzinoz- We have those plates, cups, and bowls-- we love them too. I have them set up on the kitchen counter so the kids can take them themselves when they need a snack or drink. They're the best. Cheers!
I heard that the Ikea has American style hot dogs so I planned to take a trip to the Sydney store for lunch one day. But now with all this talk about Dave....
I haven't been to IKEA since our New York days.
I like the idea of it, but I'd probably be like A Free Man. It would be big and overwhelming to me.
I wouldn't mind going to the cafe though....
Anyway, I hope you have many good days with Dave. Did you choose that name for him, or did he come with a name?
Dave, Gus, I can't keep up with all the new men in your life......
I must say..."Dave" seems a little pedestrian and unconventional for the name of a piece of furniture from Ikea -- all of which usually have names that place consonants together in ways I could never pronounce and toss in some umlauts for good measure. There is something familiar and comfortable (for a provincial someone like me, anyway) about a "Dave." Glad you're enjoying "him." (Picture air quotes as you read this.)
Sigh. Dave is dreamy. I could use a little Dave in my life.
The only time we've ever gone to IKEA, I was sick. It was just awful. I'd like to go back when I'm feeling better. Maybe I'll meet someone like Dave.
Ana- Yeah, we were thinking of the hot dogs too, but South Restaurant is a lot more convenient and down home!
Dina- He came with that name!
Anonymous- Sorry my girl lover.. I'm really not trying to make you jealous.
Brutalism- Haha, you got me hysterical. So so true-- the names with like 5 consonants in a row are totally crazy. No clue who thought of "Dave"-- the voice of reason?
JD- Dave is the best thing that's happened in my bedroom all year-- haha, just kidding. My husband is a hunk of hot love, Dave's just a bonus in the bedroom.
Dave is adorable. I'd want one if I had a laptop.
I need the ball for my back.
Dave? I'm thinking 2001 A Space Odyssey... very scary
Gypsy- Need laptop girlfriend, it'll change your life.
Marvin- Get one-- seize the day.
NurseMyra- I sooo don't get it, I'm not that smart sometimes.
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