He was young. Innocent. In an unfamiliar, new place.
For several days, the tension in the air could have been cut with a knife. They gingerly danced around each other, neither wanting to make the first move.
He tried to get close to her; she turned away, pretending not to notice him.
When he wasn't looking, she'd watch him longingly from across the room.
And in a moment of weakness, as she lightly dozed off on the lounge (that's Aussie for couch), her gorgeous blonde curls shining in the light...

he could resist her no more. And she could feel his eyes piercing her, like the intense Australian sun on summer day.

And he couldn't stop staring, and he knew what he needed to do.

So he played hard to get, because he didn't want to seem too eager...

And he spent some time with the guys, trying to play it cool, ya know-- like it's all about bromance and stuff.

But in the end, a surprise visit (from the gardener, to re-sod the hole someone dug) brought them together-- at the window to gawk.

And that night the deal was sealed...

And so began a love that will last them their lifetimes.
Welcome to the family Baby Sam, we are so happy to have you here you little hunk of chocolate Labradoodle love.
awww....I just love a happy ending!
Chitown- And they are sooo so ridiculously cute together!
Awwww, what a cutie!
too too cute. i love them both.
What and adorable Love Story - Hugs to you all
That puppy is so beautiful! The blue eyes with brown hair??? On a dog?? Not fair!!
Laura! I am crying! That is the sweetest thing I have ever seen and knowing Ruby I know it was amazing! Welcome Sweet Baby Boy!! Love to you all and I miss you so very much! We met Shannon's heart recipient today and heard his heart beat! It was amazing and unspeakable joy!
Love you,
Those two are just about the cutest things I've ever seen. Oh, and the dogs are cute too;)
Thanks y'all! They are so freaking cute together! Shelby, that is amazing, can you skype today?
It's a dog's life!
Steck- Totally.
So cute.
Pam- Would it be rude to say-- I know... haha.
I love that picture of Sam with the stick
Rasslemadazzles- only problem is, it's not a stick-- it's a steer penis. ew, ew, ew.
The story was so compelling as well as the images. I had reading the whole post.
Aww, that is just the sweetest thing ever!
I love it! Love always wins huh?
OMG!!! Not sure why I am just reading this today but sure making me smile! I love love stories and this sounds like a classic!
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