The first surprise we had lined up for them, was that instead of going to our house we were bringing them to a hotel for a few nights so we could properly disinfect and eradicate the Swine Flu from every surface in that germ factory we call a house. Luckily Grandma and Grandpa had had the flu vaccine, and by the time they had arrived in Sydney we had recovered the week prior-- but better safe than sorry. So I guess you could say they got the bonus package, a few days at a nice hotel with Opera House and Bridge views, and a little extra time to mentally prepare for a week of living with two energetic 5 and 6 year old boys.

The view from the hotel room... I'm still surprised they agreed to check out.
Unfortunately, the weather in Sydney has been very temperamental the last few weeks, the second day they were here record wind gusts were raging through the city. And for some reason we thought this would be a good time to take the in-laws to the famous Icebergs at Bondi Beach for lunch; the good news is, the surfers were out in full-force and it was a real taste of the Aussie spirit and love for surf.
This video doesn't exactly do the treacherous winds justice, but trust me they were insane. What also didn't come through on the video was the cute, old-married-couple-argument my in-laws were having-- hence the cheeky commentary from yours truly.
So, wintery weather and sporadic blistering sun didn't stop us from showing Grandma and Grandpa the best of Sydney. And the Sydney Night Noodle Market was calling our name.
Note: No people at the Night Noodle Markets were harmed by the tiger shown in the photos below; though it is a very realistic looking tiger, he is not real... he is in fact, my five year old child who wears a tiger costume when and wherever possible.

The 2010 Night Noodle Market, tucked away in the middle of Hyde Park.

I wish I had these paper lanterns in my house.

OMG. Grandpa and mini-Grandpa.

A little entertainment amongst the food stalls.

I sometimes get comments from readers who think they have seen us out around town but aren't sure... so, if you see a little tiger with big blue eyes--- it probably is us!

Maybe next year they'll hire my tiger as the Chinese dragon's sidekick?
Sydney Night Noodle Markets-- I highly recommend going... and eating many dumplings, and noodles, and some Serendipity Ice Cream!!
It looks like you're having a great visit!!
Love ya : )
Thanks cuzzie:)
Just hearing the wind and surf made me want to get a sweater! Great vid and looks like everyone had such a great time!!! Loving the tiger boy...what happened to being a super hero?
Hugs all around!
Whee! how fun! Great pix!
PamelaRose- It was a freezing night-- you would definitely have needed that sweater!
Marvin- Thanks!
I hope you're enjoying your visit with Grandma and Grandpa!
Chitown- Thanks girlfriend.
Night Noodle Markets Website Domain Name For Sale:
Can I come visit? please? :)
Usually Spring is a great time to visit, but this weather is crazy. Hope you get some sunshine.
Thanks for sharing the article. I was really wondering and i get here and get amazed by the article. Hope that we will get more ahead.
How about that! I'm on the other side of the world too!! So many amazing things over here, huh?! Hope you get the chance to see some other OZ attractions while you're over here!
Happy travels!!
A bunch of Yanks are doing Thanksgiving on Bronte Beach, 6 p.m. You're invited, especially if you bring cranberry sauce.
MM- You should definitely come to Sydney!
Cajun Down Under- This weather is insane. Our second guest leaves tomorrow and it's been a
Red Nomad- It's amazing, Sydney's best things are constantly unfolding for me.
Steck- Thanks so much for that, we may be committed already that night..??
Looks like great fun. I love noodles. Well, all Asian food actually.
Thanks for sharing this blog.
Kate- Thanks-- me too!
Love the Grandpa and mini-Grandpa shot! Isn't overseas company the best?
Free Man- Yes, so so fun having everyone here-- and my mom arrives on Saturday! It's like a non-stop party over here....
Vijay- thanks man.
Thanks for sharing the article. I was really wondering and i get here and get amazed by the article. Hope that we will get more ahead.
Hey you....I emailed you twice asking for your new address but I never heard back, so I'm trying on your blog. Hope all is well.
I must say it’s a really good blog.i enjoy it very much , thank you for shearing all the info keep it up
Okay, the noodles can't have been that bad... where are you?
South Beach Mom- I just emailed you!
Nessaknits- I'm coming back-- and it may not be pretty, things have been chaos here and I'm ready to vent!
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