We've gone the raw/natural route, and now at 19 weeks old Ruby eats some of the most disgusting things I never imagined feeding a dog. Here's the gruesome list (all of these meat items are fed raw)... chicken frames, chicken necks, chicken wings, lamb necks (the butcher cuts these in half and they are still as big as a shoe box, it's insane), ground beef (that's Amerispeak for Australian "mince"), and organ meat-- omigod, I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. She eats these items in their entirety bones and all, it's shocking.
She also enjoys her veggies, I've been giving her carrots and green beans to munch on, and she loved rocket (which is Aussie for "arugula")-- I love rocket too. And for a tasty mid-day treat, she loves yogurt, cheese, and dried banana chips.
Because I'm all about capturing the moment, here is a sample of the daily National Geographic documentary in my backyard. I must admit, similarly to watching the laundry go round and round in a front loader, this is addictive-- I can't stop staring in disbelief while she's going at it:

Ruby eating a "chicken back"-- I think that's the same as a chicken frame, nasty nonetheless.

This is the freakishly large raven (the photo doesn't do justice, it actually makes airplane noises as it flies over the house) who waits in the tree for Ruby to step away from her meat so she can swoop down and steal it. She doesn't wait quietly either, she makes all kinds of loud intimidating bird noises.

This has nothing to do with my dog eating like a caveman, this was Ruby's first time in the baby pool, she went completely bonkers and tried to dig a hole to China in there.
And during these last couple months, one of my boys in particular-- the younger one (he's five years old) has really taken charge with the dog. To go all Cesar Millan on you, he's her pack leader. Watch him in action, it's too freaking cute... of course I'm not objective at all.
Your dog is cute. That pic of the chicken back? NASTY.
Your son? Adorable. Love how he wanted to cross the street. I mean, c'mon, he's five. ;)
Marketing Mama- I was so surprised when he asked me that!
Organ meat, why that's just offal!
Steck- seriously, you are hilarious! I had to go back and look at what your last funny one liner was, because you crack me up! Does "she's a dingo short of dog pack" ring a bell? hahahahaha!
Um...just EWWWW to all the raw stuff. EWWWWW
Your son is friggin' adorable! Almost as adorable as you calling the garbage cans "rubbish bins." ;-)
Chitown- It's like I'm turning Australian, and I admit, I think rubbish bins sounds better now that I'm used to it! How'd you like his cute little 5 yr. old baby voice? My six year old never had a baby voice, he's like a grown man. You must hear that kind of thing a lot! Cheers mate.
I am very impressed with his dog-walking skills! My dog is a psycho on the leash. We are in a constant battle for the role of pack leader. Good job!
Thank goodness you ended this post with such an adorable video or I would have to lodge a complaint about that photo of the chicken back.
If you can get a photo of that bird flying off with the chicken back? I will pay you cold hard American cash.
What a cutie Ruby is.
You are right - that is just too cute! :)
Ohthatgirl- Thank you, she is such a mellow dog, it's like she was a natural on the leash-- as was our five yr. old as honorary pack leader!
JD- I will do that!!!! You are sooo getting a photo of the bird flying away with it. A couple weeks ago our pool cleaner stopped working, guess why-- the damn bird dropped one of Ruby's bones into the pool and the pool vacuum sucked it up! I think I need a bb gun.
Just kidding people.
Marvin- Thank you!
Sarah- I know, I just want to pinch her furry cheeks all the time.
I didn't know that rocket=arugula. I had never tried either until we moved to the UK and 'discovered' rocket. Love it now. Grew it last winter. WIll do this one as well.
Your new baby is a cutie pie. Jealous.
i love this. that picture is gross- but also amazing. so glad you are getting into the raw thing- and it's true people go a little nutso about it- but i still love it! ruby and the boys with the swimming pool is my favorite!
Free Man- I think it's about the variety of arugula possibly?? but I love it too!
Jill- I'm not getting into it- I am in it!!! Mwah.
We keep it real simple, Iams Lamb and Rice dry food. We did however up the treats from Beggin Strips to Ceasar Gourmet dog food.
We keep it real simple...Iams Lamb and Rice dry food. We did up the treats from Beggin Strips to Ceasar Gourmet.
You totally said "Rubbish Bin" in that video without even thinking about it! You ARE becoming an Aussie! Congrats. :)
Wow! Cute dog. Thanks for sharing this one.
South Beach Mom- Hi girlfriend! I wish we were there and could let yours play with Ruby. Do you still have the two malteeses?? Natasha?? Anyway, let's skype with the kids!! Can you try me tonight? Are they still up at 8pm?
Taskers- I know, isn't it so funny? I really like the word rubbish!
Cheap bus hire- Thank you.
I'm terrible with comments. As you can see I post them twice. We are getting a Shitzu in December in addition to the Maltese! The 6 year old wants one badly. I have to look for my Skype. We got a new monitor and I just noticed it's not on there.
South Beach Mom- You are so funny, you signed in last time as "anonymous"!
Hi, my name is Mimi…
My husband and I are moving to Sydney in about a month for his job. I hope you don’t mind; but I’ve been lurking on your blog…I just wanted to let you know how much I’ve been enjoying it! Hope you don’t mind if I follow you… Thanks!
Mimi- Hi! Wow, one month until your big move, the pressure is on! I'm glad you were lurking here and glad you decided to say hi, it's really cool finding out who's out there reading my dribble! Good luck on your move and if you have any pressing questions please let me know! Cheers, Laura
Thanks Laura,
I may take you up on your offer of information when I have been there for a while and am going nuts!!
Mimi :)
I cannot believe you are feeding your dog CARROTS. ARE YOU CRAZY? Do you know how horrible that is? I know everything about everything, and I know that carrots are for bunnies and BUNNIES are for dogs.
Kidding. I have no idea about that shit.
Also, that Steck person's comment made me fall.
and my word is "undiebra"
what a cutie. Even when munching on a nasty carcass.
Mimi- You can email me at flgirlinsydney@gmail.com if you have any specific questions about your move... cheers mate.
Rassles- Undiebra, maybe I'll name my next fake dog that. Did you notice how well the fake dog walked in the video. Robots these days... wow.
Blues- I know, she's too cute. You must have ESP, I was reading your post about stepdad and got interrupted yesterday.
I'm very impressed with all this raw food stuff!
I feel I should say more, but I can't think of anything. So just imagine I said more. Okay?
We were always told that chicken bones were the absolute worst thing for a dog because they're hollow and brittle and get stuck where they shouldn't. Obviously that was a myth.
Your dog is cute. That pic of the chicken back? NASTY.
Dear Florida girl in Sydney,
How is it I missed this post you posted, after having withdrawals of your awesome adventures?
Your son = adorable. You, calling the trash cans, "rubbish bins," adorable.
Chicken backs = at least it's not a steer penis. :-)
I had to go back and look at what your last funny one liner was, because you crack me up!
Dina- I met a vegetarian who feeds their dog the raw diet the other day and thought of you. xoxo
Here in Franklin- Cooked chicken bones, or cooked bones of any sort are a definite no-no, they can splinter and are dangerous. But raw chicken bones are soft and dogs eat every bit of them very easily. Well, that was probably more info than you actually needed right?
Compare- Thanks and I know.
Melissa- Hahahahaha. you are funny!
Tan- Thanks, I crack myself up sometimes too.
So you have to go to the butcher to get your dog's food?
That is just too much work for me.
But your dog is awesome cute.
FF- In Australia most people go to a butcher to get meat, so that's just normal routine. But I can have the organic produce delivery service I use also deliver it. And it's cheaper than dry food!
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