Otherwise, if you're into rainbows, lollipops, and puppy dogs... then definitely continue below.
This is Ruby, our little dreamboat of an Australian Labradoodle. A completely different experience from our last dog situation, thank god.

Only here a week and she's already a guard dog... all 4.6 kilos of her (that's about 10 pounds in Ameri-speak).
Oh, I almost forgot to mention that Ruby came to us having been on a mostly raw meat diet. Chicken necks, meaty beef bones, and raw mince! I can say one thing, I've never handled so much slimy raw meat in my life... ewwww.
i want one.
i want one.
i want one.
santa if your listening...
this is all i want for christmas!
rinniez-- you NEED one!!! She is the sweetest most mellow gorgeous puppy ever!!!
Hey, nothing wrong with cute. She is a beauty.
PITS- Thanks, she really is!
She's so freakin cute!!
she's beautiful
Oh. My. Word. She is adorable! How big will she get? I've always had either poodles or poodle mixes but I want a dog that's a bit bigger as my two boys need that I think. Love her!!!!
She's a beauty. So happy she's a good fit for your family. Looking forward to meeting her in person. :)
omg i love the photo of her with one ear all crazy. she is so cute. i am so happy that you guys got a puppy like her. what an amazing poopkins!
Adorable! If you don't like seeing pics of puppies. You have a cold cold heart. The end.
Kerry- Thanks!
Liz- Thanks!
Mama Bird- She's not a fullsize labradoodle-- she's a medium, and I'm not sure exactly what that will turn out meaning!
FF- Thanks!
Jenny- Yes, that would be great!
Jill- You need to come here and meet her!!!
Hastamananba...- True, so so true.
that dog is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Benland- Thanks, she totally is!
What a cutie Ruby is! Almost as cute as my cats. Okay, they're HER cats, not mine. I take no responsibility for them.
Ha, I had forgotten about Zealot. I was in a Jewish scout troop for many years, and hung out with Reformed mostly. All of us thought the Orthodox were both inbred AND insane. A lot of the grief they get from non-Orthodox people, they bring upon themselves, I think, just by being obnoxious. I'm glad you picked Superstar and sanity. And yes, an office relationship is ludicrously naughty.
Marvin- I'm so glad I made the right choice there too! I like the way you shun any responsibility for the cats-- kind of like my husband and the dog?
She's a super cutie! She looks like she's really playful!
BTW, what happened with the situation with the last labradoodle?
Melissa- We ended up having to dispute our credit card with American Express because after 3 weeks she had not refunded us and every communication we had with her was beyond bizarre. She's a nutjob.
OK, she's so precious. Are you able pass on the breeder's details (for Ruby, not the devil dog)? We are moving back to Australia in 1 year and are looking to get a Labroodle. Hearing your last story and seeing it took you a year to get her, thought we should start now! Thanks.
Hi Taskers- You are moving back?? How exciting! You must be so happy!
I got her from Hunter Valley-- Tamaruke Labradoodles, they have a website and Charlotte the owner is very nice. Ruby's personality is soo super sweet, I highly recommend them!
OMG. Sooooo cute! If I wasn't over the whole puppy thing I'd go get one, now. And her name! I love her name!
She is adorable, friend. Like, tears-down-my-cheeks-from-giggling adorable.
She is adorable and I want one. JD(IDoThings)suggested I go and meet you so here I am. She was right, you have a great blog!
Christine- Thanks-- and does that mean you've got a new puppy of your own-- or you just are sooo not in the mood for a puppy?
Rassles- Tears down your cheeks because you want to beat me with a milkbone-- isn't that really it sista? I know I deserve it. I know, I know.
Jen- Hi, and thanks!
She is adorable! I would love a dog. Except I don't like picking up poo - and I'm still doing that with my not-yet-fully-potty-trained-toddler.
And we travel too much, and I woulnd't know what to do with her. And I like to play with dogs, but mostly if they are other people's.
But I love her!!!
Elisa- Thanks, you can live vicariously through my puppy photos!
awwww ruby looks like a Labrador with a perm!! so cuute
I want to beat you with a milkbone so I can steal your fucking dog and have her to myself, is what.
She is just precious! Look at that little furry face. Love her!
Very nice! I need a new dog...
How can you not blog about something soooooo cute?!! i try not to blog about Max either but I HAVE TO!!
OMG - so cute! Need some pictures taken?! :D Did my link to Cesar help? I think that guy is great...
Anyway because I didn't want to "just" write about my dog on MY BLOG I forced him to write a blog himself :) It works... Makes me feel less like those people that only write about their dogs/kids. Some say I live in denial... ;)
COPH- Yes, I actually got her a perm :)
Rassles- I double dog dare you.
Kristie- Agreed!
Free Man- You could always come for another visit and play with ours?
Eternally Distracted- I know!
Mau- I did, and now I'll be addicted to his site-- and I watched that video of Daddy :(
I cannot stand how cute she is!! Want. To. Squeeze. Her!!! I bet she's soft. Is she soft? LOL. Please feel free to blog about her all you want. Have you suffered the videos of my cats yet? LOL
Corrina- I love your cat videos! Do you still have a blog now-- because I've only seen them on FB. Oh yeah-- she's soft alright-- she's a total teddy bear.
Your dog is looking absolutely gorgeous.
We re-homed a labradoodle from Tamaruke as friends from Sydney had to move to Japan. They are the best dogs ever. Ruby is adorable. I hope she brings you as much love as Breeze does to us.
Dog training- Thank you!
Kelly- Wow, that was a lucky rehome. If you ever want to get together with the dogs we have a little group of us that play together-- you can email me at flgirlinsydney@gmail.com
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