It was seriously delicious.
I want to be all, "Why didn't anyone tell me?".
That would be a good excuse for not having tasted the best cookie ever for two entire years, but everyone always says how good they are, and I just never bought them, which is ridiculous because I do love me some treats.
Tim Tams are kind of like a wider, less crunchy, all chocolate Kit Kat-ish cookie. And the bonus is that instead of being packaged in a candy bar style wrapper (like a Kit Kat)-- you get an entire box.
By the way, I just found that at one point Pepperidge Farms was making them in the U.S.-- omigosh-- run now, and get some.

Tim Tams will be the death of me... I cannot buy them anymore because they WILL satisfy me 11 times in one night... and still not be enough! :)
I'll have what she's having.
-- Paul
The Pepperidge Farm ones are actually made in Australia, but were packaged, imported & distributed for trial in the US market @ Target stores until April '09. Some stores are now out of make sure your American friends get them while they can. We hope they continue to stock them once they complete their market research on them.
You can however get the original ones from Cost Plus World Market. I personally prefer Mint Slices. ;)
I'm not a huge Tim Tam fan, but I'm completely addicted to Golden Gaytimes.
Lindsay- Yeah, they're bad news.
Steck- Exactly.
Aussie in US- I wonder if they'll keep selling them in the U.S.-- should be interesting.
FreeMan- Golden Gaytimes are pretty much a whole other level of delicious.
Guess I'll be making a trip to Target soon.
I wish we (the U.S.)could have clever advertising like the rest of the world. That poster is fabulous.
Here was, all glad that Girl Scout cookie season was over, because I'm not eating a box of Tagalogs a day, and now I've got this Tim Tam nonsense to stuff into my mouth?
So lame.
OH MY GOSH - I can't believe you hadn't tried one previously! It's all over now. Have you done the Tim Tam Slam? Bite of opposite corners, dip one side into your coffee/tea/hot chocolate, suck through the Tim Tam, then shove it in your mouth and let it dissolve. Heavenly!
Are these anything like chocolate covered graham crackers? Now I will have to get some for my wife since she is all things chocolate. Maybe for our 36th anniversary this weekend. And how did you make your way to Australia?
OMG! How is that even possible that you haven't had a Tim Tam until now!! That is seriously insane. I have no idea how you dodged that bullet for so long. Damnit, I want one now.
Did you eat a Double Coat one? Those are delish. My faves.
Really want a Tim Tam now.
And what are these Golden Gaytimes you speak of? I must look these up!
Nevermind...just looked up golden gaytimes...Streets Ice Cream. Yes, yum!
Australia has kick ass ice cream. I mean, Cadbury ice cream...come on. YUM!
I had one on my visit there and tried the tim tam slam which was GLORIOUS! Heaven in my mouth! I liked them so much I got home and immediately ordered some afrom an Aussie food store and paid 15 dollars for 2 packs and then promptly saw them at Target the next day! Ahhhhhhhh!
oh my GOSH That is crazy talk!!! Tim Tams are the BEEEEEEEEEEEEEST! Try the double dip - they are like a little bite of heaven!
I LOVE the Tim Tam Mint Crush. Good luck on the Tim Tam Slam. Husband tried it and ended up with wet cookie down his chin and coffee all over his shirt. It must be an acquired skill.
You've got to try them slammed. If you think tim tams are good on their own, wait till you've tried them after you've slurped up coffee or tea with them. OMG - they turn into oozy-chocolatey-goodness. (the trick is to get them into your mouth FAST after you've sipped tea/coffee with them).
Aaarrrggghh!!! I miss me some Tim Tams!!!! Have you done the Aussie dunk with them!? Tim Tams + Coffee...mmm!
So apparently EVERYONE is in agreement that Tim Tams and the Tim Tam Slam are da bomb. I am headed off to Woolies in about five minutes to get me some more!
Florida Girl, I had to leave a comment to say hi. I am Jenny's friend back home in California. She told me she met you, and mentioned your blog, so I wanted to read for myself. I told Jenny it felt a little stalkerish to be reading the blog of a complete stranger just because you're a friend of a friend. So, I wanted you to know who else was reading and enjoying your experiences in Australia. I'm so glad you and Jenny have gotten together... I miss her like crazy, but love that she's making Sydney her home, for now at least.
Kathy- So nice to "meet" a friend of Jenny's. And I think blog stalking of strangers is pretty much the norm!
Hi, Florida Girl! I laughed that no-one had TOLD YOU!!!!
Dark choc ones for me everytime, yummeee! If I bring a packet of those home, I always get lucky.
Better be off, gotta go buy some Tim Tams. :D
Tim Tam...Kit Kat... Who stole what from who?
Using them for straws is sooooo good. Speed is important though.
Double coat are my fave :-) I've never tried it ala slam though. For some reason the thought of that grosses me out. I'm also a huge mint slice lover.
I LOVE them and I NEVER buy them. I just know I would eat the entire box myself. I always want to try the fancy flavors like the ones with toffee and caramel...sometimes I do wish they came in smaller packs- then I could get away with eating just a few :)
Can I say that I hope they don't last in the US? Maybe that's mean- but that's one of the few novelties we have in Australia. America has EVERYTHING else :)
By the way, blog stalking is awesome. I think I have about 20 blogs I read regularly of women I've never met! call me crazy :)
Natalie- See they did tell me-- I HAD heard, but I blew it off as just another cookie. I'm so dumb sometimes.
Buffalodick- Who's on first? What's on Tim Tam?
Capt.Dumbass- I'm a little nervous about the whole "use your cookie as a straw" thing-- is there even a hole to suck thru???
Traceyleigh- I'll be on the lookout for the double coat. I've so far conquered a few crush flavors in the last couple days.
Elsja- Isn't that what the internet's all about???
Tim Tam's, YUM. I can't buy them too often either. It is so funny how talked about they are - when we first moved here, it was one of the first things we bought! I mean they are good, but still just a cookie, I mean,a bikkie!
Daniele- Yes, I'm sure it's a new novelty, the thing is my mom is here and she just bought a few boxes. Oh no.
Looks yummy and will satisfy 11 times, that is cheezey ;)
MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!! I will have to look for them. I loooove Kit Kats.
HOLY GARBAGE!!!! Timtams in the US!
Oooh...time for the timtam slams I learned in grad school! Keeping my eyes open for them!!!!!!
maybe this will make the whole kindergarten search hell bearable!
2 years that's impressive! My Australian husband has been trying to get me hooked on the things for years, but after all his build-up I'm still "meh" about them. Double-stuff Oreos or Thin Mints anytime baby :) Gaiety's are totally addictive to me though...
Ali- Not cheesey, it's chocolatey.
Marvin- Get them, get them!
Kileigh- You've had them before? Have you been to Australia???
Laine Moore- What are gaiety's???
You've got to try Mint Slices, they taste exactly like Girl Scout Thin Mints in my opinon, and Gaietys which are chocolate and wafers dipped in chocolate...kind of like a kit kat but more cookie like.
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