Saturday, March 14, 2009

She's All Peaches

This photo was taken with my Blackberry Pearl last year at Circular Quay. Circular Quay (pronounced "key") is the ferry and train station near the Sydney Opera House. She was a ginormous sculpture made of fake peaches. Yes, weird and pretty and awesome all at the same time-- sounds like some of my closest friends.



O'Neal (The Woman In Charge Around Here) said...

I was all stoked until I read they were fake peaches! Not as sweet as I thought, but I guess it makes sense with all the rotting and bees!

O'Neal (The Woman In Charge Around Here) said...

PS - I soooo want to ride a kangaroo too! How in the world have you been there that long and NOT ridden one??? Now that would be an awesome picture! Okay, I'll stop now. ;)

Captain Dumbass said...

What do they do with all those fake peaches when they're done?

JD at I Do Things said...

Man, you have the coolest stuff where you live.

A giant lady made out of fake (not even real) peaches? Geez. All we have in Chicago is a giant metallic kidney bean.

Marvin said...

That's pretty cool!

A Free Man said...

I think it's pretty awesome. However, real peaches and you would have truly awesome.

Laura said...

Oneal- I hate bees and am scared to ride a kangaroo.

Captain Dumbass- I would like some fake peaches scattered around my backyard. Btw, have I mentioned that I love your name.

JD- I know, you should totally come visit. There's a nude beach like a 5 minute ferry ride from my house! You could totally go there so I don't have to.

Marvin- Totally.

Free Man- Are you still drunk from vacation? You're usually so proper and whatnot.

Anonymous said...

That is pretty pun intended? *cough*

Anonymous said...

Can you ride a kangaroo?? I've seen those "when animals go apeshit" shows and they look pretty feisty. Haha

I'm assuming they glued all those fake peaches together? That's pretty cool.

Laura said...

Seafood Punch- Hahahaha.

Corrina- I'm guessing if you try to ride the kangaroo they'll beat the crap out of you... I'm not that adventurous so I'll never find out.

~Sandy~ said...

wow that is really neat!

your right...girls are fun to shop for, but stores are really starting to come out with super cute boy outfits for boys too :O)

thanks for stopping by my blog and Happy WW!!!!

CheekyOne said...

Awesome photo!! I wanna visit Sydney!

Bea said...

it goes up there with the big banana and the giant prawn. they could lable it "Jane and the giant sculpture-made-from-peaches"... don't worry, I'm not in advertising. i dropped you name in my post today so check it out if your feeling...peachy? giant? jane-ish? nope, i got nothing.
love the gnu

p.s.oh, do you watch/like farmer wants a wife? i'm waiting with baited breathe, unless you don't, then i don't really want to know lol, i take disappointment hard.

Bea said...

p.p.s. can you imagine trying to eat it if it was made from real peaches. especially eating the bum. *giggles like a little schoolgirl*

or, ironies of ironies the word verification is 'eatten'
gotta love the little things!

Laura said...

Gnu, eating the peach girl's bum-- seriously- You are killing me! You're my new bff. On the whole Farmer Takes A Wife thing-- I have to admit, now I'm wishing I would have watched it.

Moderator said...

Such a shame there's no peach fuzz.