Saturday, March 21, 2009

Omitted e

Whilst at USF in Tampa, FL (circa 1990) , I got myself a job working the front desk at a hair salon called "Mantrap" in the mall.

The hair stylists were a bunch of emo, drama queens with tempers that make Blair on Gossip Girl look like Mary Poppins, you know the type.

One afternoon, a stylist went all cookoo bonkers on me because I gave a walk-in client to someone else. The encounter had pushed me to my drama-in-the-workplace limit, so I did what any fed up reactionary eighteen year old would do... I said I was going to get a coke-- and never came back.

Ah, to be young again. And oh, don't tell my husband, he gets all bent when people don't give two weeks notice.



Bea said...

i think you should put it on your resume. really. it shows you are... umm...dedicated to beverages. yea, that works!

Family Oz Blog said...

See - we totally are soul mates! In 1985 I called into my job at Lerners and quit because I wanted to go to the beach. The manager was totally cool (well, before I quit with no notice) to me and had really helped me out in the past. I still feel bad about it.

Laura said...

Gnu- Oh yeah, totally.

Ana- I like Lerners-- wish I had one here.

buffalodick said...

I got a letter of recommendation from an ex-employer that was so badly written, I never showed it to anyone...

ChiTown Girl said...

Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog! Glad it brought back a good memory. I've only read this post so far, but it had me cracking up, so I'm sure I'll be back!

Erin Maggie said...

I did the same when I was 18, still in high school. I had gotten my dream job at the time, at Bath and Body Works. Sat through all the introductory training videos on the first day and two days of learning nothing but the indredients that go into each product only to freak out and never return. They put the fear of god in me, saying if I didn't memorize what was in each product I could potentially casuse harm to someone who had an allergy. I just couldn't hack the PRESSURE!! At BATH AND BODY WORKS!! Seriously I was meant to be one of those girls with the green aprons carrying around the apple baskets!!

Marvin said...

Ha. I once gave two months' notice at a bank, and then burned all my sick time (months' worth) every Monday and Friday. Drove my supervisor NUTS. I hated her.

Yes, less than 2 weeks' notice means you don't want a recommendation or a reference. ;-) But it's often a small world. Word gets around about people who do that.

But I totally understand the hair salon thing. Bitchy people deserve to be shat upon.

Laura said...

Buffalodick- Was that actually a poorly written recommendation-- or was it bad stuff about you?

Chitown- Thanks!

Erin- You would be an awesome Bath and Body girl-- I can smell the bodywash and lotion just thinking about it.

Marvin- Oh yeah, you never know when the company you quit is going to buy the company you now work for!

A Free Man said...

Did we have emo haircuts in 1990? They certainly weren't called that then. I've walked off a job or two myself, sometimes it seems the only thing that one can do.

Laura said...

Freeman- It wasn't the haircuts-- it was the attitude and drama.

Dana said...

I have a part-time job right now where I would love to tell my boss that I'm "going to get a coke", but alas I'm all grown up and have given proper notice. The countdown begins!

Anonymous said...

No worries...I called a woman a bitch when I was waiting tables one day. I only got suspended for a week. It was TOTALLY worth it though. She was a total cow and anyone who's ever waited tables will know how good it felt!

Gypsy said...

I wish I'd done that before, just walked out. Never had the gumption, though.

Bluestreak said...

I pulled one of those once. I was waiting tables at the Ritz Carlton and heard all of these legends about making $500 tips and what not, and up to that point hadn't had even one decent day. So, I called in and said, "I can't come in today." My boss said, "Are you sick?" and I said, "No. I'm never coming in again."

She was furious. It kinda ruled.