My Wii Fit has officially been removed from the box. Yes, I know it's tragic that it took six months to open, but after reading about the verbal abuse the Wii Fit trainer spews at people, I felt somewhat justified.
So today I let her out, and I even put batteries in her.
And then, after selecting my "friendly female trainer", I hula hooped while "people" standing on the sidelines chucked additional hula hoops which I guess I was supposed to catch, but instead bounced off my head, it was weird. I did some yoga and breathing exercises. I did a step class session that nearly sent me flying into my already once broken glass windows.
My trainer commended me on my balance (at least I've still got somethin'), and only called me a couch potato once after I toppled during a balance exercise.
So hopefully she'll continue to treat me with respect, but just in case she goes all robo-trainer-psycho on me, I read in the instruction booklet that if I insert the batteries backwards or submerge her in water-- it'll kill her.
I hope she knows who she's dealing with.
You chose "friendly trainer"? No wonder she was so nice to you. Maybe I need to get one of those. I tend to perform better under stress....
Ana- I didn't mention it in my post-- but after I was finished with friendly female trainer, I took the male trainer out for a spin. I don't think there was any difference... though both their mouths continue moving long after they stop speaking. It was kind of like watching a kung fu movie.
So what do you think? Is it worth the price? By beloved has been hemming and hawing about one and I thought about picking one up as a gift.
Free Man- absolutely, especially if you already have the wii. My kids play all the sports on the wii- they love it, I haven't shown them the wii fit yet-- I'll probably keep it my little secret for a while.
There is a name for paying for abuse...
Well, now I'm feeling like I should hook up my Wii and do a little Wii Fit instead of spending naptime lolling around on the internet. Either that or go join the hordes of people exercising out on the beach at 6 am. Decisions, decisions.
I think I might have to consider looking into this whole wii fit hype. Let me know how it goes :D
About time Laura!!!
I love the Wii fit, I have slacked off lately and haven't turned it on in awhile but I do love the Yoga and some of the other exercises you can do on it. Plus I love how it keeps you in track of your goals and weight.
My parents got it a few months ago. I haven't tried it yet. I actually am not sure they really play it either. They were into it for a few weeks and then my mom got injured with the bowling game. Maybe that scared them away from the Wii. Or maybe they play it and just don't talk about it anymore. Maybe it's their special little secret.
Anyway, good on you for the exercise. I'm trying to exercise too, but unfortunately my computer chair keeps inviting my ass to sit down.
But see, right now I'm WRITING about exercise. Doesn't that kind of count?
First, OF COURSE IT COUNTS WHEN YOU WRITE ABOUT IT!!!!! From personal experience, it also counts if you think about it, quietly in your own head where no one else can hear it. Unfortunately, it does not work quite as well as getting up of the chair/couch/patio/starbuckschair yada yada yada......hmmmph, not fair! Well, Laura I'm glad that at least someone (you)is doing 'it'.
**and what is the name when you pay for abuse?**
Buffalodick- I wanna know....
Jenny- I know, I always see yoga at the beach, but have yet to join in.
Leila- I already know it's good-- it's just a question of sticking with it.
Mindy- I know, I know-- and thanks for bringing it to me!
Dina- Your mom hurt herself bowling? It seems like such a gentle sport. If they don't use their wii you should take it from them! Jack will love it, the boys play tennis and bowling and baseball-- it's great exercise in the form of a video game-- I even get to cook dinner!
Pamela Rose- Get your sweet ass here and we'll play tennis on it together!
My mom has a Wii FIT, I have yet to but the FIT, I used her's once and every now & then when she uses it, it will ask her where I've been!!! LOL...Technology is getting to be a "smart a*s" that can kick butt!!
We have Wii, but not the fit one. Tim bought Guitar Hero. I'm still trying to figure out what's fun about that.
I love Smash Brothers. Unfortunately, it doesn't involve any bit of exercise.
My Fit trainer told me I was twenty-one today. Twenty-one! Is it wrong that I look at her bum?
LOL... we could nag you. You don't need a robo-trainer. You have your coterie of readers.
Raelynn- I know, that machine is a real smart ass.
Dina- Is Smashbrothers part of Guitar Hero-- I know nothing about either one.
Bridgeburner- The wii fit just told my svelte 5 year old that his wii fit age was 34-- maybe he should have practiced more on the balance test.
Marvin- That would be totally helpful and I'd probably get really resentful too.
I was sooo good at using the wii fit after christmas...for about 3 weeks... now i AM THINKING I need to gether back out of the box.
I like the male trainer way better. The female trainer's boobs are squished too far together and it annoys me. Even still, I thought I'd try her out for awhile after using the guy for a few months. One day I went to do a muscle exercise and they guy popped up and said "I hope you don't mind if I fill in today." What... is my female computer trainer sick or something? Weird.
Oh and keep doing the hula hoop... eventually it will unlock the 10 minute level and I swear if you do 10 minutes every day (or every other day)... even if that;s ALL you do- you will notice it in your abs! I really do :)
I've slacked off on my Wiifit because I've been going to yoga more often, but I still try to squeeze in a hula hoop session semi-daily :)
I think I'm the only one left who doesn't have a Wii Fit!! I'm jealous. Maybe I'll break down and get one...but first I think I'll see how everyone else does with theirs!
I thought about buying one of these but hey I have 2 dogs that need walks everyday and they give me licks instead of abuse! :P
but don't let me stop you from having fun!! :D
Too funny! I do love Wi-Fit. I love the comments and the exercises. It is a very clever way to work out!
I don't know how I missed this post, but you know how obsessed I've become with my Wii! I've been doing at least an hour a day. Yesterday, I hit an hour, 10 minutes! Woo hoo! Then, my parents came over for dinner, and we all played for about 2 hours afterward. I love this thing!
I'm so jealous!! I want Wii Fit! Hell, I just want a Wii. AND you're getting a Bold?? I'm going to hate you for 5 minutes. lol
Um, is it wrong to say that I think I love you more than GoK? If so, I don't want to be right.
Also? Let me just say, I know this is the wrong post to comment on this about, but whenever my punk asks why her friends can do something that she can't, I always say, "its because they have irresponsible parents who don't care about them". I also don't know if its right, but its my first reasction.
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